
Aftonbladet - Sopranos - (2009) :35 (Sweden)

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Wanking dog


Comhem - Web Hits / Viral homage / Youtube Hits by Judit & Judit - (2009) :45 (Sweden)

Judit & Judit the comhem girls who already nod to Snapple's Wanda, have created a homage to all those virals out there in this 45 spot to cel
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Hifi Klubben - Hamster - (2009) :40 (Sweden)

Radiotjänst - Mataffaffären / Supermarket - (2009) :55 (Sweden)

He's minding his own business at work when suddenly a song breaks out thanking him for paying his TV license.

Telenor - Japan (swe) - (2009) :45 (Sweden)

Telenor did a series of ads on how different people communicate, and how some things are different in different countries.

Friends - Hålla Käften - (2009) :70 (Sweden)

D&AD Creative Search demo video

Four students launches D&AD Creative Search as a tool for other students during the D&AD Students Award 2010. The Internet has a huge role in

Volkswagen / Rolighetsteorin / The Fun theory - Recycling - (2009) :24 (Sweden)

Man builds a mystery recycling bin for Volkswagen.

Volkswagen / Rolighetsteorin / The Fun theory - Garbage Can - (2009) 1:27 (Sweden)

http://www.rolighetsteorin.se/en/ Is a site launched by DDB Stockholm for Volkswagen.
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Both Jeep and Hyundai cars park anywhere and everywhere.

Once upon a time, there was a Jeep ad from BBDO Copenhagen where the car was not to be seen.

Class of twelve year olds teach Toys R Us about advertising to modern children.

Last year a school class of twelve-year-olds reported ToysRus Christmas catalogue to the Advertising Ombudsman in Sweden for "sexual discriminati

That hated Microsoft House Party Film, is even hated by Microsoft Sweden.

That by now infamous Microsoft Windows / "house party" ad has had jaws dropping all over the world (and its own 'censored' version

Stockholm commercial director famed from Burger King ads held on suspicion of murder.

Oh dear, the Stockholm advertising world has so much drama in it that I'm honestly surprised it hasn't been turned into a daily soap opera b

Felix - Everyday life / Vardag - (2009) :50 (Sweden)

Director Tomas Jonsgården repped by Flodellfilm Stockholm, Sweden, bings us his version of "everyday life" as scripted by Åkestam Holst

Motion Graphic showreel - Johannes Edberg - (2009) :60 (Sweden)


Facebook connection got Draft FCB Creative Director arrested for attempted murder.

Back in April, anyone who followed the @adland twitter account soon saw my "wth!?" tweets about the shooting in the Old Town, as soon after

A quick chat at the kitchen table: Bambusing about #Karen26 & Extrabladets need to shift blame

I'm not that pleased with the newspapers/media, who fell for and reported the #Karen26 story without verifying it in any way, are currently engag

Canal Digital - Pit Stop - (2009) :30 (Sweden)

Canal Digital has realized that all those pretty HD TV's are connected to old cable and not showing off what they can do.
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Betsafe - Seagull - (2009) :45 (Sweden)


Roy Awards - print, Sweden


Nestlé Fitness serves porn-CDs in their packaging

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Rymdreglage - "8-bit trip" video in lego - (2009) 3:50 (Sweden)

Proof that hard work pays off, or at least gains you cred from all lego&gamergeeks everywhere in the world is the 8-bit trip video animated in Leg

Fjällräven - Dirty Poster / "Fresh air" - Ambient Sweden

Last Monday, a set of two posters appeared looking rather cryptic.

Tele2 - Car Mechanic - (2009) :30

Tele2 - Electric Shock - (2009) :30

The sheep have an office party
Mattias Hansson Photo

Interview with Mattias Hansson the CEO of Hyper Island


Copycat sites interlude.

There are many many blogs and websites that deal with plagiarism in various ways out there these days.
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Apoliva scares the hell out of 90,000 Swedes with their skincare ad

This recent ad directed by hotshot golden boy Johan Renck and starring leading lady Adina Fohlin isn't sending the product flying off the shelves
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Apoteket / Apoliva - Seasons - (2009) :30 (Sweden)

This ad is currently scaring the hell out of Sweden.

Golden State Vintners sues Swedish government owned Vin & Sprit for trademark infringement

Ah, Sweden, the land of "piracy", it sure looks like Swedes like to play fast and loose with intellectual property and trademarks as of late
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When is a copy inspired, when is it illegal, and how to tell your clients to stop having demo-love

<p>This is brought on by <a href="https://adland.tv/oren-lavie-s-her-morning-elegance-video-kicks-serious-stop-motion-bed-trend-badland&

Jonas Jäger opens up "Augmented businesscards" website


Badland: We're getting inspired from the 1994 Kirshenbaum & Bond reels now are we?

Ok, fine I'll post it, even though I think this is a Badlander that isn't really a proper Badlander, since so many are emailing me about thi

Sexist ads - hot, cold, too soon or too late?

McDonald's / Drive Thru - Are we there yet? - (2009) :60 (Sweden)

The classic Q "are we there yet" posed in the modern language of Swenglish.

Swedish Armed Forces / Försvarsmakten - Shots - (2009) :05 (Sweden)

New Swedish armed forces tv-campaign. These films are running on broad national TV in Sweden.

Swedish Armed Forces / Försvarsmakten - The Dot - (2009) :15 (Sweden)

New Swedish armed forces tv-campaign. These films are running on broad national TV in Sweden.

Swedish Armed Forces / Försvarsmakten - Telephone 2 - (2009) :15 (Sweden)

New Swedish armed forces tv-campaign. These films are running on broad national TV in Sweden.
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Swedish Armed Forces / Försvarsmakten - Memorize - (2009) :15 (Sweden)

New Swedish armed forces tv-campaign. These films are running on broad national TV in Sweden.

Swedish Armed Forces / Försvarsmakten - Telephone - (2009) :30 (Sweden)

New Swedish armed forces tv-campaign. These films are running on broad national TV in Sweden.

Swedish Armed Forces / Försvarsmakten - Machine - (2009) :10 (Sweden)

New Swedish armed forces tv-campaign. These films are running on broad national TV in Sweden.

Festival Entries Down 20%, Attendees Fall 40%. Adland airs live 100%.

This year, Cannes Lions isn't what it used to be - AdAge reports that Festival Entries Down 20%, Attendees Fall 40%,

Comhem - Judith & Judith talk about Broadband - (2009) :30 (Sweden)

Judith & Judith are twins with great hair and they apparently spend their days answering customer letters, as their heads barely peek over the cou
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IF insurance tries their hand at creating a viral with Elisabet Höglund. Fails.

These past two days a "viral" that really stunk to high heaven of forced spontaneity has circulated the Swedish parts of the intarwebs and

We want YOU to broadcast LIVE from Cannes lions.

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Adland interrupts this broadcast to show you our new test card pattern.

Over at Design By Hümans (oh god, the stupid use of a silent umlaut) there's a test pattern "creatures" T-shirt.

Comhem - Judith & Judith talk about Digital TV - (2009) :30 (Sweden)

Judith and Judith answer customer letters once again, with their heads barely peeking over the counter. Does this ring a bell? *cough* Snapple *cough*

Comhem - Judith & Judith Move In - (2009) :45 (Sweden)

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Libero - 2009 Tiger Collection - (2009) long (Sweden)

The Libero Tiger Collection was designed by Yuko Shimizu, a name she shares with the Hello Kitty designer.

Arla blackouts the milk cartons for Earth Hour.


Miami guerilla agency tattoos kids for fashion brand.

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TV6 Sweden - I'd do anything for money - press, Sweden

Jonas Wittenmark & Tobias Carlson at Le Bureau, Stockholm have had way too much fun with this awesome brief - sell a TV show where people will end

ATG, Swedish Horseracing - Join the game - (2008) :45 (Sweden)

Åkestam Holst invite all you crazy people out there to join the fun, with the help of Traktor they've shot these amazing horses playing a game of

Mr Green - Mr Green splash - (2008) :30 (Sweden)

What happens if you take 1 600 liters of green paint, a bunch of lemons, coins and one-armed bandits, a man in a three piece suit and a camera that ca

Arlanda Stad planned "Princess hotel" has portrait of her along the entire building.

Arlandastad and First Hotels will begin building this hotel in 2009, as you can see there's a massive portrait of Crown Princess Victoria coverin

Please Coke, It's Christmas without your help, stop competing with Apotekarnes Julmust.

Remember way back in 2003? Coke still doesn't get it - Julmust rules. Yes, it's that time of year again.

Sunshine Rabbits - The Colour of the fur - (2008) 4:28 (Sweden)

Shot in September last year this water is a lot colder than it looks (remember, we're in Sweden), but a smashing good time was had by all as we a

"Adland near death" - Resumé reports on server drama


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