Roygalan / Roy award show - Goldfish - (swedish VO) (2009) :30 (Sweden)

Tonight's the nigh of Roygalan The Roy Award show. Just a note to check back here at 23:00 hours (provided you're not there making full use of that open bar which got the Cadbury gorilla sick) for the winning commercials. Roygalan is celebrating the art of people giving away their eyeballs as previous poster explained in that gory fashion. Don't forget that hamster they get drunk

The VO of this ad says:

This gives roughly the same low entertainment value that man on the street finds in watching commercials. We celebrate the art of making people want to watch.

Previous Roy Award stuff
Ralph the Gorilla / Print.

Agency: Le Bureau Stockholm
Production Company: Palladium
Director : Palladium
Jonas Wittenmark (Copywriter / Art Director)
Tobias Carlson (Copywriter / Art Director)

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