"Adland airs live version of the Cannes Festival" - Dagens Industri

Translated text from Dagens Industri:

Advertising blog Adland, with founder Åsk Wäppling, wants to be the fly on the wall for all the people who can't go to the advertising festival in Cannes this year. The project is a co-operation with the videosite Bambuser.
Adland's users that are in Cannes will be filming with their cellphones. The films can then be seen live on Adland's website at that moment.

Our posts about the Cannes Live events;

1) We want YOU to broadcast LIVE from Cannes lions.
2) Festival Entries Down 20%, Attendees Fall 40%. Adland airs live 100%.

Adland® is supported by your donations alone. You can help us out by buying us a Ko-Fi coffee.
Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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wendellwit's picture

Congrats on the positive press, BUT if you're trying to be "a fly on the wall", then beware the people who get their logos printed on flyswatters.

Dabitch's picture

Nice avatar, I hope you didn't get that printed on a flyswatter. *runs and hides*

wendellwit's picture

The avatar is actually based on the new logo for Jack in the Box fast food restaurants http://www.jackinthebox.com in case you (or your massive readership) didn't know. I always appreciated their cheeky commercials (with the plastic-clown-headed CEO) and have a genuine weakness for their barely-edible 2-for-99-cents tacos. Jack wouldn't hurt a fly (although he has picked fights with other fast food mascots), and neither would I... but a flyswatter shaped like that logo... hmmm...