Swedish Army Recruitment campaign tests your abilities on TV, in print and on web

DDB Stockholm has just released a new campaign recruiting men and women to the Swedish Armed Forces. The cryptic (and somewhat creepy) commercials are directed by Jesper Kouthoofd. I'll admit that I've been trying to keep up with the tasks in the ads on TV, and the posters I see on the buses with quizzes like: "How many are on this bus? How many women? How many over 70?" and I fail pretty miserably most of the time so I guess it's a good thing I'm not a current member of the armed forces. Officer training for the Swedish military is conducted through Försvarshögskolan (Swedish National Defense College) - not on the web, obviously but you can test yourself to see if you have what it takes here: recruitment campaign - English. A new (english) site is under works for this part of the campaign seeking recruits - those brave enough to try it in Swedish may go to mil.se/rekrytering.

Rest assured though, if you pass the test, you won't have to be naked. This footage, leaked in 2004 and caused quite a stir back then, shows some pranksters reading the regulation book to the dot, it mentions that you must wear a helmet at the shooting range, but makes no note of clothing.

You can watch the new films in Försvarsmaktens campaign here -

The Dot
Telephone 30
Telephone 15

The photo used to illustrate this post is of me, Åsk Dabitch, in the Swedish "permissionsuniform", that's a leave uniform when you're off-duty, circa 1989
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