Fjällräven - Dirty Poster / "Fresh air" - Ambient Sweden

Clean poster
Spray painting the posters
text appears

Last Monday, a set of two posters appeared looking rather cryptic. One of the posters was simply white, while the other one had a photograph of a tent on it. Cars passing by had to wonder was that it? on their daily commute.

Of course that wasn't it. When the posters went up they were prepped, old-school style, with stencilled letters and a few cans of classic sports glue which works a lot like spraymount. The cars passing by helped spread dust and minor particles to soon reveal the text carefully stenciled on to the poster site.

The brainchild of Göran Broberg at ad agency Röjning it's been a long road to finish, "I'm an old handball player and realized that you could use the glue for this" he tells resumé, no doubt after seeing basketball courts full of those little black lines, the telltale sign of said glue being used. The next step was to find a spot where the billboard would attract dirt. "We found a spot on Huddingevägen which is one of the busiest streets in Sweden, we knew they'd get dirty there."

The line that the billboard finally reveals reads: "A little fresh air will do you good" as a massive hint to all the commuters to get away from the busy roads and out camping for a while. Now they'll even know the price of a decent tent - 5200 SEK, as the second poster says.

And before everyone Badlands this, yes we know, It's not the first sticky poster we've seen.

Ad Agency: Röjning
Team: Göran Broberg
Joakim Hinders
Jakob Eklund
Janerik Borg

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