Nestlé Fitness serves porn-CDs in their packaging

Nestlé's "Fitness" flakes currently have a Dance-CD giveaway, but the CD that meant to show yo "Body Jam" shows you porn instead. Aftonbladet article here, complete with photo of "serious looking customer posing with offending package".
The woman in the article - Ida Riedel Palmer, 23 - was expecting that the CD with "body jam" on it would lead her to some dancing type of body jam, but when she popped her CD into her computer she was directed to a pornography site. She even triple checked that CD by trying it on two other computers other than her own - she must have really liked that porn. The Aftonbladet article doesn't say exactly what happened, just that when she put the CD on "she was automatically 'linked' to a pornograhic webpage".

Nestlé aren't as amused as I am, they call it a matter for the police. Marie Louise Elmgren, spokesperson for Nestlé says she has no idea how it could have happened. "It could be sabotage, or the production company might have recorded onto old CD's." she speculates, clearly pulling guesses out of her ass.

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