
Durex Intimate Gel - Tattoos (Israel) :60 (2023)

A lot of sexy steamy hot scenes where we know the women are having fun because even their tattoos show it by blooming - opening the shell to show the

London's Vagina Museum has moved, the new campaign announces re-opening and new location.

“Half the word has a vulva, a vagina and a clitoris" The Vagina Museum began as a pop-up art project in 2017 but grew into a permanent exhibit

Skyn - Head Shoulders Knees and Toes / Pleasure is an Endless Exploration (2021) :36 (France)

Turning a nursery rhyme into a sexy song for a condom brand. Well, it's a strategy.

Build Me Somebody To Love, Kaspersky

‘Build Me Somebody To Love’ is a controversial 20-minute documentary (and a 1-minute teaser) that tackles the practical and ethical implications of h

Libresse Bodyform - Womb Stories (2020) 3:18 (UK)

"Our #wombstories are never simple. But all of them – the weird and the wonderful; the happy and the sad – need to be heard. "

With COVID-19, You Are Your Safest Sex Partner

“Stay home” billboard promotes Womanizer sex toy. March online sales in Canada more than double

HORNBACH - Biodiversity starts in your garden (2020) :40 (Germany)

Copulating insects stir passion for spring and garden projects. Nothing like a spring garden to bring out the friskiness in all sorts of creatures.

SKYN - Explore yourself / Space (2019) :70 (France)

SKYN® Celebrates Moon Landing’s 50thAnniversary with Campaign Reminding Us to Explore Ourselves

"Scream Your Own Name," Proclaims Toronto Sex Toy Ad

The Garden Creates a Stimulating Billboard for WOW Tech's Sex Toy, Womanizer

Snickers - Mirador / Feliz día de san Valentín (2019) :20 (Mexico)

You do not need to speak Spanish to understand the joke in this ad.
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Kondomeriet - 30 years of naughtiness

Kondomeriet - 30 years of naughtiness (2019: 40 (Norway)

When it comes to advertising condoms, the old trope of food that looks like sex is trotted out once again. Well done though.

DEVOUR - My boyfriend has a food porn problem (2019) :60 (USA)

DEVOUR Frozen Foods aren’t your ordinary frozen meals they are so good, they are actually frozen food porn.
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Kraft Heinz Co's "Devour" brand buys media on Pornhub

Kraft Heinz Co.'s Devour brand took its food porn-themed Super Bowl campaign to an actual pornography site.

SKYN - Save Intimacy (2018) :45 (France)

Roman "Thinly veiled metaphors" (2017) 1:15 (USA)

The Lion's Den "Birthday" (2017) :30 (USA)

Lion's Den "Yoga" (2017 ) :30 (USA)


Libresse - Blood Normal - (2017) 2:22 (UK)

Skyn condoms - "Places of Intimacy" - (2017) :45 (France)

In this rather steamy ad from Sid Lee, Paris, we learn to ‘’Stop looking for love.
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CANAL "Versailles" (2017) 1:24 (France)

Versailles is a French TV show that is centered around The Sun King, Louis the fourteenth.

T-Mobile "Punishment" (2017) :30 (USA)

Durex - Destination Paradise - (2015) :30 (UK)

The eternal snog here, with some neat camera-edits and magically appearing beds show us a couple really needn't go far to have the most excellent

Spies Travels - DO IT FOR MOM / Do it for Denmark 2 ( 2015) 2:30 (Denmark)

Following up on last years Do it for Denmark strategy, Spies travel wants you, once again, to go one vacation to have sex and make babies.

Fiat 500 - The Blue Pill - (2015) :60 (USA)

If your Fiat is a SUV for more than 4 hours you should contact your Doctor.

Maille Mustard - Be a memorable guest (2014) 1:20 (UK)

Hats off to adam&eveDDB for what has to be one of my favourite ads of the year. And yet there's so much that could have gone wrong...

MYOB - Candy - (2014) 2:40 (Australia)

PayDirect is a Bluetooth enabled credit card reader from MYOB that lets small businesses in Australia take payments on their phone.

Veet - Dude / Overnight - (2014) :30 (USA)

Spies - Do It For Denmark! - (2014) 2:00 (DK)


"Nymphomaniac" movie posters, orgasm portraits (Badland)

If you're feeling a bit badlandery looking at all these "orgasm portraits" for Lars von Triers latest movie called Nymphomaniac, it

HIV Foundation/AIDS Council Finland - Places (for women) (2012) :30 (Finland)

While the first PSA posters for this "places" campaign, which showed only a womans crotch and the check-in status caused some backlash in th

Ragú - Long Day of Childhood / Parents bedroom - (2012) :30 (USA)

Kid rushes into parents bedroom without knocking.

Die Antwoord - Babys on fire - (2012) 6:55 - music video

Die Antword rule my world and have done everything right in this video for Baby's on Fire off their album TEN$ION.

PETA - Boyfriend went Vegan - (2012) :30 (USA)

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PSA: HIV info - Knull de luxe / Sex de lux - (2011) 3:30 (Sweden)

Along with a website and a smartphone app that allows you to find the nearest shop that sells condoms, this strange film is supposed to - Klara Suicide (2011) (Czech Republic)

This is the latest cinema & web spot for, the Google competitor in search and directory services in Czech Republic.

Rod Hunt Illustrates HIV/AIDS Awareness Advertising Campaign for AIDES

Illustrator Rod Hunt worked with San Francisco based advertising agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners illustrating their new advertising campaign

Skittles "Newlyweds" (2011) :30 (USA)

here was a brief and shining moment where everyone thought a candy brand would actually create something this perverted.

Edited by Cut+Run, LG Presents: Young & Connected - "Love You" - (2010) :10 (USA)

The ‘Young and Connected’ is a brilliant and hilarious series of idents for C4.

BMW the ultimate attraction

VH1 - “If You Like” / Boobs with fake boobs - (2010)

If you like Miguel, the overrated latino lover, text "ILIKE299004", if you like the boob with fake boobs, text "ILIKE299007" Ye

Size Doesn't Matter - (2010) :30


Arvika Festival / Cum to Arvika - (2009)

Arvika festival tried their darndest, but they weren't allowed to air this film on TV in Sweden.

La Condoneria - RUB-IT! print , Spain - Sex with Hitler - (2009) :30 (Germany)


Playstation "Gamefaces" not really a new idea.

As Creativereview noticed the playface commercial isn't the first one to do photographs of peoples faces as they react to stuff.

Slim PlayStation3 - PlayFace - (2009) :60 (Japan)

Alongside this commercial (which is a few baked into one) there's also with lots more images of people putting on their best "O-

Kiwi - Hotel hots - (2009) :30 (Norway)

This one might be the most successful ad of the bunch, hot couple in love can't keep their hands off each other - which alerts the stork... Ta

Kiwi - Festival - (2009) :30 (Norway)

Ah, waking up after a night in a tent spent at the outskirts of a summer music festival.... And meeting your future.

Kiwi - Car Sex - (2009) :25 (Norway)

Harking back to the eighties here, this baby-free diaper ad shows the ending of sex in a car.

Kiwi - Ménage à trois - (2009) :40 (Norway)

This is the beginning of one helluva refreshing campaign for diapers: No shots of blue liquid, no shots of diapered bums, heck not even a baby in sigh
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Sprite - Blow job - (SPEC WORK) - (2009) :30 (USA)

Not a German ad. Not a banned commercial. Instead this is simply spec work directed by Max Isaacson at Greencard Pictures.
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Durex Play O - O-face operetta (2008) :35 (UK)

JC Penney – Speed Dressing (Spec) (2008):60 (USA)

This is not a Cannes Lion winning ad.

Tom Ford Eyewear ad gets banned in Italy

It was just a matter of time, wasn't it?

Gossip Girl - OMFG (2008) Print (USA)

There's such a big flap over the new Gossip Girl billboard that uses a four-letter txt word, but it's not as controversial as French Connect

Stuffit Deluxe - Pregnancy - (2008) :10 (USA)

Pregnancy - compressed.

Balloon animals and other condoms badlander

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Sean John - Unforgivable Woman - long (2007) :60 (USA)

Sexy celebrity times

Viagra - Wombleminki (2006) 0:15 (Canada)

the international language of sex

Lavazza Coffee Advertising Gets Hot and Steamy


Radiator "All the rubber you'll need" / Sex on surfboards

Are we promoting unsafe sex or wet suits? Wet suits!

Coke was "it"

This poster was released in the mid 80s and prompted a total recall of all posters because of the picture painted in ice-cubes at bottom right corner
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MTV Brasil and Bunny Love in New Commercial


le Roi de la Capote - faces of - (2006) :30 (France)


Danke schoen leroidelacapote.


Diesel Scorpion ad gets banned after no longer running

Diesel's Scoprion ad has been banned by the ASA after a run in The Sunday Times Style Magazine lead to complains.

How to advertise a product you can't show in a newspaper ad


One of the most recycled non-profit adverts?


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