Important update 22 July: Greencard Pictures does not endorse fake "banned" "German" soda pop advertisment
We all know that "banned" commercials on ew-tube are spec commercial everywhere else, but that Spite blowjob ad that Agencyspy emailed us last night had everyone gossiping anyway. Mainly because we're all trying to figure out who did it. The ad showed a young blond engaging in what could only be interpreted as oral sex. At the moment of climax, she instead receives Sprite splashing all over her face. What I took from the idea was "Sprite tastes like sperm", and that can't possibly be good for sales.
I called it fake and had to share the ultimate phallic sparkling soda ad Perrier Bouteille Phallic real french ad from 1976 with them, just to show that real ads are often racier than one might think, but production is way better. Now David Griner adfreak has found who really made the ad via NYpress. It stars John Jones IV, a musician that picks up odd jobs like this to pay his bills.
Directed by Max Isaacson, a video "genius" who's done work for MTV, the ad was produced by Greencard Pictures in Brooklyn.
John Jones adds: “The controversy is it’s the fact that she’s a white girl blowing me and I’m black. That role reversal freaks people out.”.
Soooo, the controversy isn't at all based in the fact that it pretends to be a world wide brand soft drink ad, and there's a BLOW JOB involved? Sprite has gotten in the game and deleted the ad from ew-tube now, as obviously the tasteless stunt is playing hard and fast with someone elses trademark. How very professional of you Greencard Pictures. I have a sudden urge to give you massive budgets and allow you to handle filming for worldwide brand. Or not.
Here's another exampe of work created by Max: "Snakebitten" was shot by Max Isaacson and Tony Borden for HBO's Tru Blood in collaboration with Campfire NYC.
All we know right now is that Sprite has removed the video from Youtube. If they feel the need to take stronger action in defense of their trademark, time will tell. Like with that Guiness Good Times "Orgy" share one with a friend ad, this BJ-film is likely to appear and re-appear all over the intarwebs forever, and Sprite is likely not going to bother taking legal action. So congrats Max, you're now officially a famous director.
I thought this post lacked the actual spec work, here it is:
Sprite blow job ad.
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PermalinkNo class. Is that what makes a viral director?
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PermalinkUpdate - you must read this email supposedly from the director himself.
Max "Banned German Sprite Blowjob commercial" Isaacson speaks.
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