How to advertise a product you can't show in a newspaper ad

How do you create an advertisement for a product that cannot be shown in national papers? Durex and their ad agency play it safe by using the idea of a "tease" with sillouettes to promote their new line - continuing on their attempt to "own" the safe sex category.


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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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skip's picture

That's a karaoke mic in the middle, a TV remote control on the right and the one on the left looks vaguely like the toy I got for my sister's baby girl.

I kinda like the whole Project Mayhem-ish "We can't show you but we have it" headline, but I wish they didn't follow "We can't tell you about them" with a big chunk of copy doing exactly that.

caffeinegoddess's picture

hehe yeah. It doesn't make sense to have that line in there and then do the opposite.