OnePlus - How Dash Charge Works ft. Emily Ratajkowski - (2017) 2:16 (USA)

Oy vey. When OnePlus launched their Never Settle campaign I thought they meant it, but clearly not when it comes to tired old ad ideas. They've done active lifestyle, they opened a VR mall in space called "The Loop" where you could buy the OnePlus 3... But here OnePlus settled for the oldest pitch in the book; "attractive spokesmodel explains stuff."

You may know Emily Ratajkowski from the "blurred lines" video, she'll remind you of that by doing her little dance at around 1:57, or you know her from posing topless with Kim Kardashian on Instagram. The latter was a move that had Piers Morgan declare feminism dead. It was a PR stunt that generated tons of articles. What you didn't know is that she's "a techfan" as she quips at the start of the Dash-class. And with that word alone, I'm bored already. Despite the cutesy squiggly animations best effort to be engaging, Emily's obvious attractiveness, and a really good ELI5 explanation of how Dash-charging works, this ad is around two minutes too long and tedious. Why on earth is it so long? Oh, because Emily, right? I can picture the audience right now when Emily says "the cable is 300% thicker" giggling like Beavis and responding "so is mine hue-hue-hue-hue." The takeaway I get is that the Dash charging solution is a fresh way of thinking among a sea of phone manufacturers that do the same old thing, while the ad is the old way in a sea of fresh thinking from the other manufacturers. In other words, it looks like a waste of money. The twee synth music makes me want to stab someone, and when did the ugly high water bootcut jeans get dusted off again? I thought we were over this already. Cutesy animations are so 2015 anyway, and the borrowed interest of Emily and her one million Instagram followers feels like a throwback to 2013. Word to the wise OnePlus, please remember "Never Settle" the next time your ad agency shows you ideas like this. You already got in trouble 2014 for the Ladies first idea that veered off track as soon as it became clear women could jump the line based on amount of up-votes on their appearance. That sort of idea got the Sloggi website taken down way back in 2007 already, of course it wouldn't work for phones today.

Client: OnePlus

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kidsleepy's picture

A. No one cares how it works.
B. Emily Ratajkowski is as believable in talking about DASH as she would be quantum physics. Which is to say not at all.
C. Even a so-called hottie and animation could not overcome the fact that feels like a very straight forward (read: boring) instructional film.
D. If they wanted to do an instructional film, it would have been better to do one as a parody, like Peter Serafinowicz's deadpan Look Around You show that mocked Open University lecture series straight down to the late 70's synth. The parody route would have made it at least entertaining, considering the fact I mentioned at A, which is no one cares how it works. Which leads me to
E. If the whole point is DASH charges your phone fast WHY DID TOU TAKE 2:16 MINUTES TO TELL US. Seriously, did it not occur to anyone at the agency, or the client, to I dunno, put a conceptual spin on the product explanation by like, making the ads fast?

mochazina's picture

This Dash Charge is pretty cool and there's some interesting info going on in this video to be fair. It's actually basic math and they talk about it like they reinvented the wheel or something, but come on, is this a commercial?
So the recipe for the best marketing is hiring a hot babe to recite something she memorized and wink in front of the camera. This is what the creative world is coming to? Really?

Harry Smith's picture

After the grand success of OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T (the upgraded version of OnePlus 3), the makers are planning to launch the 4th generation of the series, the OnePlus 4 with even better features and specs. It would give tough competition to iPhones when it releases because of the extraordinary features it would have.

iphone 8 release date's picture

please let me know the release date of galaxy s8 release date