US uses Hollywood images to try to boost foreign tourism

In an effort to boost foreign tourism to the USA the American Federal government is starting a $6 million advertising campaign in the UK this year (and $10 million next year in the UK and Japan) to try to promote the country.

The ads, created by M&C Saatchi, feature scenes from Hollywood movies such as Thelma & Louise, Chicago, L.A. Story and Maid in Manhattan. The print, TV and billboard campaign show US "location" shots and follow the theme "You've seen the film. Now visit the set."

You've seen the film. Now visit the set.

Creative director/art director/copywriter: Alan Jarvie.

You've seen the film. Now visit the set.
You've seen the film. Now visit the set.
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Dabitch's picture

Somehow I think it's going to take a lot more than a welsh woman in the filmatisation of Chicago and $10 million to turn the US current image around. Isn't that a pathetically small sum?

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture

Much of the stress that people feel doesn’t come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they’ve started.