Der Spiegel cover: Trump beheads statue of Liberty - twice

This Der Spiegel cover caused a lot of reactions today, it practically filled my entire Twitter feed all morning. Some German newspapers have already criticised the cartoon, while the German vice-president of the European Parliament called it "tasteless," meanwhile The Washinton post called it "stunning." The cartoonist, Edel Rodriguez, says he wanted to show that "Both sides are extremists" by comparing the Republican President to ISIS. The image represents "the beheading of democracy." From WaPo:

Edel Rodriguez came to the United States from Cuba as a political refugee in 1980. Like many immigrants, he was angered by President Trump's executive order temporarily banning entry to the United States for travellers from seven Muslim-majority countries and refugees from around the world. “I was 9 years old when I came here, so I remember it well, and I remember the feelings and how little kids feel when they are leaving their country,” Rodriguez said. “I remember all that, and so it bothers me a lot that little children are being kept from coming to this country.”

Concept-wise, the idea reminds me of the Daily News cartoon where Trump also beheads the Statue of Liberty that was the cover in December 2015, though the executions couldn't be further apart. Buzze-wise the cover reminds me of The Economist's "Oh Fuck!" cover in 2008 that garnered record-breaking traffic for a single image posted here.

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