Think positively Germany!

A new campaign is running in an attempt to boost the morale of Germans after the deadlock election on September 18th.

The campaign features famous Germans, including Albert Einstein, Ludwig van Beethoven, goalkeeper Oliver Kahn and former East German ice skating champion Katarina Witt. There are TV spots, posters and newspaper ads which has all been organised by Germany's top media companies, publishers and TV stations. (See the above link for images of some print ads.)

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

"Du bist Deutschland!"??

Heh, poor Germans. First that depressing election between bland and blank, and now this.

On the upside, Germany's indecisiveness in the elections made the Euro drop against the dollar making super adgrunt upgrades cheaper for USians here right now. At least for the USians that kept up with the news. ;)

Andreas-Udd's picture

That campaign iss only getting me more depressed.