Why aren't ads in widescreen yet?

So I'm getting a widescreen TV soon and I'm wondering why the heck advertisers and their agencies aren't producing ads in widescreen? Want to do it in 4:3? Pan and Scan to make a cut. Consider that for the next 4 years until all the stations are forced to be 16:9 HDTV, so why not start converting advertisers over to filming in 16:9 1080i video now? You already film in 16:9 for ads shown in the theaters (of which I've seen a 4,374% increase in lately). Sure, I'm not the typical viewer, but damnit, I like advertising in widescreen along with my favorite shows. Comments? Some links of interest:

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AnonymousCoward's picture

While watching CBS's "Everyone Loves Raymond" on 09.06.04 I saw the first commercial in high definition on network TV. It it is Target's most recent 30 second "You Got It" ad in 16x9 HDTV. yay!

Anonymous Adgrunt's picture


Dabitch's picture

No idea. Maybe when they sell more wide-screen TVs?