Playboy - Big Brother TV at newsstands - ambient, Brazil

Big Brother contestant Michelle Costa was interviewed in Playboy Brazil, and to promote this issue, Playboy turned the newsstands into CCTV heavens where punters own faces would greet them on TV screens with the help of Neogama/BBH.
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Client: Editora Abril
Product: Playboy
Title: You will fell inside the Big Brother Brazil
Title: You´ll feel like you´re on Big Brother

Advertising Agency (Name, City, Country): Neogama/BBH, São Paulo, Brazil
Agency website:
Executive Creative Director: Alexandre Gama
Creative Directors: Márcio Ribas and Wilson Mateos
Art Director: Bruno Borges
Copywriter: Thomaz Dantas

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alex's picture

If you rearrange the words in that headline does it make sense? I'm struggling with it.

Dabitch's picture

If you say it in Portuguese it might? Você sentirá o big brother interno? Who knows what double entendres work in that language.

Cazart's picture

Inside my Brazillian big brother? Ohhhhhhhhh I get it...this is Bizarro Playboy, right?

Dabitch's picture


Dabitch's picture

Hey ya'll, I just received a correction: The title and the ads are incorrect. I´m sending now the right one, and credits below.

I´ll really appreciate if you could change in the web site.

So, hence the strike-through in the post which I just updated, because else people wouldn't know what the comment thread was about.