Marketingsherpa: How to Be Seen in Adland, the Land of Edgy Video Ads

Marketingsherpa: How to Be Seen in Adland, the Land of Edgy Video Ads

Wäppling received degrees in illustration and graphic design from Parsons School of Art and Design. She has worked as an art director for companies, including Saatchi & Saatchi and Procter & Gamble. She also has written columns for design magazines, such as Resume and Cap & Design.

Circulation & Readership
Adland currently has 79,622 registered members. Wäppling says their users are: “creatives” in the ad business, tutors, professors, students, production people, planners, account executives and “quite a few people who don’t work in advertising but are big fans.” Each month, the site receives 914,436 unique monthly visitors and 4.87 million monthly visits.

About the Web Site
The site’s oldest ad is from 1958. Their content includes the largest online/offline collection of Super Bowl ads; the 35 years of commercials are accessible for a small fee. Adland has more than 39,000 spots from around the world, plus print, outdoor, interactive and any other existing media.

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