Åsk Dabitch on "The Strategy Inside Everything" podcast

I was just on "The Strategy Inside Everything", a podcast hosted by Adam Pierno. In the episode, he named "Åsk has been through all this before", we discuss the ups and downs of the industry of the past couple of decades, where we have seen recessions, dot-com bubbles popping, and now an actual global pandemic. Unprecedented times, and all that. The audio is available here and on apple podcasts, and pretty much everywhere else too.  


"I brought up with you earlier about what was going on in the Great Depression where some guy decided that he was going to put patterns on flower bags, because he... he thought it was a great idea that the housewife is going to choose the bag that has the best pattern on it because she’s going to use the bag to make children’s clothing and whatever on it. So he actually patented that in 1922. And I just think this kind of way of thinking is really smart because that birthed another industry, it’s the flower bag pattern guys. So that makes, you know, the people who used to do just cloth for sale, they’re now selling to the flower bag distributors, right. And, and that way you could keep industries going. I mean, we have to think more in that kind of way, how you connect with other industries in order to make things work. And some of the great ideas during the depression. I mean, they were Burnett had that idea that he would always have the apples in the reception of red apples."


I ramble a bit, but there you go.

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