Directed by Onur Senturk, this film explores Philip Larkin's poem "High Windows," as part of the Josephine Hart Poetry Foundation's "poetry movement," campaign. This poem, by the way, was written at the height of the Swinging 60's in London, and comes from the voice of an older bloke who is simultaneously jealous of the younger generations' lax attitude towards sex, drugs and religion, while also gleeful that he can partake in that feeling, too.
Client Director of the Josephine Hart Poetry Foundation: Eleanor Carter
Creative Director of the Poetry Film Project
Production Company Director: John-Paul Pryor
Production Company:
: Onur Senturk
Producer: James Hagger
Production Assistant:
Felipe Bernard
Sculptures: Onur Senturk & Omer Kasimoglu
Title Design: Ipek Torun
Sound Design & Music
: Cypheraudio
Michael Olsen
Sound Design, Production & Mix: John Black
VO: Harold Pinter