iShares - Clear the Fog (2008) Digital Billboard (USA)

Agency Venables Bell & Partners sought the expertise of kaboom productions to help transform an empty Manhattan office building into a life-size advertising experience for client iShares - branch of Barclay's Global Investors, market leader in Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs).

The collaboration between Venables Bell & Partners and kaboom productions led to an empty "for Lease" space on 6th Ave. and 39th Street being transformed into what appears as a bustling retail day-trading office made possible with revolutionary digital media and state-of-the art interactive projection technology.

Over-sized vinyl window displays communicate, "It's Time to Clear the Financial Fog." As pedestrians wave their arms in front of the faux office window the action clears away digital fog revealing three-dimensional production footage with life-size images of office personnel and customers reacting to the newfound clarity.

"When I was approached by the agency, I jumped at the opportunity to collaborate as this was a unique opportunity to literally work on an out-of-box project and bring Joe's technical expertise as a specialty shooter to a large-scale, interactive piece," says kaboom productions owner/EP lauren schwartz.

For the agency creatives, having a local production team with the caliber of talent found at kaboom was a huge asset with such a leading-edge undertaking.

"Joe and Lauren instilled a lot of confidence. We were quite impressed with their capabilities, especially given the fact that the medium is quite new," notes Eric Liebhauser, Associate Creative Director.

Client: iShares
Title of Project: "Clear the Fog"

Production Company/city/state: kaboom productions / San Francisco
Director: joe meade
DP: joe meade
Executive Producer: lauren schwartz
Producer: Leanne Amos

Advertising Agency: Venables Bell and Partners
Creative Director: Paul Venables
CW: Eric Liebhauser
AD: Greg Watt
Producer: Zeynep Taslica

Editorial Company: Phoenix Editorial
Editor: Bob Frisk

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