HUMO - Let The Beast Go - (Belgium) video & print (2005)

Well well well...

It's not very often that you see a fully erect penis in advertising. I've managed to get one in a poster campaign for a Tattoo parlor back in 98, but this goes a step beyond! They have managed to paint nude models private parts into beasts. Let's see here now, there's a beaver, a crocodile, an eagle... And a bull, of course.

There's also a viral web video to go with it. See, if you wrap it before you tap it, you can "let the beast go", and Humo Magazine are teaming up with Durex to give you some free condoms. Not just any condoms, mind - but "extra tingly" condoms are free with the November issues of Humo. Whatever "tingly" means.

Ad agency: Mortier Brigade, Belgium

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