Film Festival vs Film Festival - or little girls have a flair for the dramatic in Badland.

Thank heaven, for little girls! They create drama in the most delightful way!

Back in 2010 Rogier Hesp directed a short film for the Young Director award by CFP-E. It starred a young girl who had a flair for the dramatic and a great sense of timing. It was released by TBWA/PHS Helsinki Finland.

Well today, Canal+ released another short film, where a little girl has a flair for drama and sees opportunity in their situation. It's a great piece of dark humor and well acted by all talent involved, but feels a bit familiar. Just a tiny bit. It's not the same exact idea - and I compare these two just as an exercise in watching different executions. Dario Fau directed the Canal+ film for the Clermont Short Film Festival, and it was created by BETC Paris.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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joelapompe's picture

This film was so great it's not even the first time it was copied :

Dabitch's picture

Oh wow, the Doritos one is rubbish.