The Drum: Adland calls out Ad Age on Twitter over 'sexism' in the industry

Adland calls out Ad Age on Twitter over 'sexism' in the industry

Scrolling through twitter for headlines I suddenly saw one that seemed to say that we at Adland are sexist. I shot off a response to @Adage, the trade publication that consistently use our trademarked name in headlines instead of the term "ad industry". When they do this we get the mail, which can get awkward. The Ethical ad man wrote about when veterans started sending us resumés because they saw the headline "Adland seeks to hire veterans".

One of the veterans complained to Adage about this. So, we're not the only people who have contacted Adage to ask them to stop doing this.

Now, usually I just troll Adage with funny photos to their tweets - but yesterday I was quite fed up, and the Drum took notice of the public twitter beef.

"Tensions between two of the advertising industry’s leading news publications, Adland and Advertising Age, were made public after an open Twitter dispute."

"While Ad Age appears to be referencing the advertising industry and not Adland itself, the use of the title could be mistaken as insinuating that the website Adland was indeed sexist."

"Ad Age did not respond on Twitter, which led to Adland voicing its grievances in regards to how the advertising news site was treating an industry news source headed by a woman."

"Åsk Wäppling (pictured) founded Adland in 1996, and the site has gone on to become the largest archive of commercials in the world."

Tensions between two of the advertising industry’s leading news publications, Adland and Advertising Age, were made public after an open Twitter dispute.
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