D&AD 2005 Nominations - all ads (Part 1)

It's that time of year in Adland. Good luck trying to find that hot creative team, because we know where they'll be. For the next month or so, award shows will be the most happening events with the Clios (May 23rd-24th), D&AD (May 25th), Addy Awards (June 7th), and of course, Cannes (June 19th-25th).

Tomorrow night D&AD will hold the 2005 D&AD Awards Ceramony and Dinner at Old Billingsgate in London. Want to see what some of the nominees are? We've scooped together some of the work. Anyone want to place bets on what the judges will choose to get those those coveted pencils?

Read on for the creative...

Here's a selection of the Silver Nominees (yellow pencils) for D&AD:

Art Direction - Campaigns
Title: Bees / Butterflies / Rainbow / Sunshine / Sunflowers
Advertising Agency: DDB London
Client: Volkswagen

Title: Targets - Fly / Beetle / Moth
Advertising Agency: Springer & Jacoby
Client: Smith & Wesson

Non-English Language Press Advertising: Consumer Magazines
Title: Hands
Advertising Agency: Del Campo Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi
Client: Buenos Aires Zoo

Title: Personality - Bin Laden
Advertising Agency: AlmapBBDO
Client: Editora Abril

Title: The Chinatown ad
Advertising Agency: Scholz & Friends
Client: Berlitz International

Press Advertising: Consumer Magazines
Title: Birds
Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather Mexico
Client: Land Rover

Title: Cupboard
Advertising Agency: Leo Burnett London
Client: Heinz

Title: King Kong
Advertising Agency: DDB London
Client: Volkswagen

Title: Chair / Door / Car
Advertising Agency: Bartle Bogle Hegarty
Client: Levi Strauss EMEA

Title: Crosswords (campaign)
Advertising Agency: DDB London
Client: Volkswagen

Television & Cinema Advertising: Television Commercials
Title: Dance Party (a.k.a. Push It)
Advertising Agency: TBWAChiatDay
Client: Nextel

Title: Prison Visitor
Advertising Agency: Zig
Client: VIM

Title: Getting Dressed (a.k.a. Shopping)
Advertising Agency: Bartle Bogle Hegarty
Client: Lever Fabergé/Lynx

Title: Grrr
Advertising Agency: Wieden+Kennedy UK
Client: Honda

Title: Pilot
Advertising Agency: Lowe London
Client: Interbrew/ Stella Artois

Television & Cinema Advertising: Cinema Commercials
Title: Buttons / Ink / Name / Strange Fruit / Wings
Advertising Agency: Publicis New York
Client: Time Warner -TBS
Strange Fruit:
Name (aka Raphael):

Title: Getting Dressed
Advertising Agency: Bartle Bogle Hegarty
Client: Lever Fabergé/Lynx

Title: Grrr
Advertising Agency: Wieden+Kennedy UK
Client: Honda

Title: Pilot
Advertising Agency: Lowe London
Client: Interbrew/ Stella Artois

Television & Cinema Advertising Crafts: Art Direction
Title: Grrr
Advertising Agency: Wieden+Kennedy UK
Client: Honda

Title: Life in a Day
Advertising Agency: DDB London
Client: Volkswagen

Television & Cinema Advertising Crafts: Direction
Title: Bike
Advertising Agency: Bartle Bogle Hegarty

Title: Getting Dressed
Advertising Agency: Bartle Bogle Hegarty
Client: Lever Fabergé/Lynx

Title: Grrr
Advertising Agency: Wieden+Kennedy UK
Client: Honda

Title: Magnet
Advertising Agency: Wieden+Kennedy USA
Client: Nike

Title: Pilot
Advertising Agency: Lowe London
Client: Interbrew/Stella Artois

Title: Ventriloquist
Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi London
Client: NSPCC

Television & Cinema Advertising Crafts: Cinematography
Title: Getting Dressed
Advertising Agency: Bartle Bogle Hegarty
Client: Lever Fabergé/Lynx

Title: Pilot
Advertising Agency: Lowe London
Client: Interbrew/Stella Artois

Television & Cinema Advertising Crafts: Use of Music
Title: Getting Dressed
Advertising Agency: Bartle Bogle Hegarty
Client: Lever Fabergé/Lynx

Title: Grrr
Advertising Agency: Wieden+Kennedy UK
Client: Honda

Television & Cinema Advertising Crafts: Writing
Title: Bike
Advertising Agency: Bartle Bogle Hegarty
Client: Levi Strauss EMEA

Title: Verne Troyer / Patrick Swayze / Sean Astin
Advertising Agency: Mother
Client: Orange Consumer

Television & Cinema Advertising Crafts: Animation
Title: Carbot
Advertising Agency: Euro RSCG London
Client: Citroen

Title: Grrr
Advertising Agency: Wieden+Kennedy UK
Client: Honda

Title: Kaboom!
Advertising Agency: KesselsKramer - Amsterdam
Client: Diesel

Television & Cinema Advertising Crafts: Editing
Title: Road to Lisbon
Advertising Agency: 180 Amsterdam
Client: Adidas International

Television & Cinema Advertising Crafts: Special Effects
Title: Channel 4 Identity - Pylons / Diner / Skyline / Council Market
Production Company: 4Creative
Client: Channel 4
Council Market:

Title: Crash
Production Company: The Mill
Client: Department for Transport

Television & Cinema Advertising Non-English Language: Television Commercials
Title: Mano Japonesa
Advertising Agency: Grupo Gallegos
Client: Energizer

Title: Police
Advertising Agency: Creative Juice G1
Client: Thailand Yellow Pages

Title: Worms
Advertising Agency: BBDO Bangkok
Client: Uni President(Thailand)

Want to see more? Read on!

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Hehe. I really dig the "small but tough" polo poster with King Kong. Cracks me up.