A couple weeks ago I posted about a Starbucks newspaper ad that played off it's placement and used a crossword as the main concept. In today's The Daily Telegraph from the UK, Canon has taken a similar route with this ad touting their ability to "solve financial conundrums with ease." The ad appeared on the puzzles/weather page. (read on to see the ad)
I'd like to see Canon's solution to their own 'conundrum': there are nine letters from A to J if you skip the letter I. Add that to the nine numbers from 1 to 9, and you've got eighteen letters and numbers. That's impossible to fit into sixteen squares.
Moral of the story: if you're going to ride the sudoku bandwagon, at least take the trouble to understand how the game works. Michael Mepham clearly knows what he's doing: the puzzle itself only goes up to G, not J; but Canon's copy underneath goes to great lengths to give people the wrong instructions.
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PermalinkHahahaha nice spot geva! I didn't even notice that in the copy...Doh. That is really bad.
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PermalinkI actually misread this posts headline as "canon goes Sucky du". ;)
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Permalinkthat's so bad from canon, makes it look like they don't have a clue about what they are writing about, at first i thought they may have mistakenly put J instead of a g but when they glaring point out the "i" can be mistaken for a 1.....downhill form here
- i have the sudoku bug ;)
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Permalinkjust had a thought, maybe that's the point of this sudoku that you can't solve it and are suppose to see that it's wrong?
(I associate Canon more with their cameras not their printers and I've got one!)
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PermalinkI'm collecting old ads, does anyone know any more that used soduku?
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