3M Command - "Hammer's Toolbox" (2016) :30 (USA)

3M's picture hanging strips called Command are great for hanging stuff. Also, MC Hammer. In MC Hammer Pants. The 90's are back.

I think it's a shame he didn't bust a move because that would have been a much better end to the spot.

Advertiser: 3M
Agency: Grey New York
Chief Creative Officer: Andreas Dahlqvist
Executive Creative Director: Stephen Krauss
Executive Creative Director: Ari Halper
Group Creative Director: Brad Mancuso
Creative Director: Susan LaScala Wood
Associate Creative Director: Mike Lubrano
Copywriter: Reagan Ward
Copywriter: Paul Curry
Agency Producer: Alex Kramer
Agency Music Producer: David Steinberg
Production Company (location): Station Film, New York
Director: Brendan Gibbons
Director of Photography: Doug Chamberlain
Editor (person & company): Robery Ryang, Cut + Run
Principal Talent: MC Hammer
Project Manager: Emma Tonetti
Senior Project Manager: Clint Walsh
Managing Director: Jane Reiss
EVP Global Account Director: Suzanne Ayello
VP Account Director: Brett Chaloupka
VP Account Director: Jamie Shiembob
Account Supervisor: Greg Sacharoff
Account Executive: Erica Hernandez
Assistant Account Executive: Andrew Somogyi

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Dabitch's picture

Yeah, he needed to bust a move at the end. With the OooOoOh OooHooo OohOoohooo - they were probably too cheap to license the song. Damn.

DL's picture

The end was lame. The entire commercial was lame.