Magnum Double - Release the Beast - (2016) (UK)

In "Release the beast" the famous bite-sound of a Magnum ice cream, releases the women's spirit animals. The women are quite happy with life as chocolate eating felines, eagles and polar bears. I guess that's how I should read the roof top party interaction where a man declines to chat up a lady due to the bald eagle that lands on her arm, as if it's a guard dog designed to reject random hookups. "You're not good enough for me when I have an ice-cream in my hands."
But wait, at the end as a lioness and her lady prance down the streets they meet a man with a lion, and then they all growl. Dare to go double, Magnum's VO purrs, and since we've associated this ice-cream and chocolate in general to sex for so long, I'll admit my mind went straight to "I ❤ DP". I'm confused, do we get sex after having chocolate or is chocolate a replacement for sex? This is like a Magnum ad met an old Lynx ad and had kittens. Awww, kittens.

Client: Magnum
Music: Jack White - High Ball Stepper

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