Yard Dog Signs Director Brent Jones

LOS ANGELES—Director Brent Jones has joined Los Angeles-based Yard Dog, led by executive producers Joe Piccirillo and Beth Pearson, for work in commercials, branded content and web media. Bringing a diverse reel and more than ten years of directing experience to his new home. Jones is perhaps best known for high-energy automotive spots, but his work also extends to performance-driven storytelling and humor, with credits including WeatherTech, DiGiorno Pizza, FedEx, Monster, and Subway.

Jones has already completed his first project with Yard Dog, a spot for a major car brand that featured a half-dozen former Heisman Trophy winners and an elaborate production mimicking a reality TV competition. “Brent’s range of work and ability to direct actors, celebrities, real people, and manage complex productions makes him a great addition to Yard Dog,” said Beth Pearson. “Both Joe and I have worked with Brent before and know what he can do. We’re excited to be part of the next phase in his career.”

In terms of action and production value, Jones’ work rivals Hollywood action films although often with a comic twist. His spot Tech Team for WeatherTech, which premiered during last year’s Super Bowl broadcast, imagines a crack commando team who intercept a car on a mountain road to prevent a coffee cup from spilling on the upholstery.

A native of Kansas City, where he started as a lighting technician, Jones moved to Los Angeles and came up through the ranks. He worked behind the scenes under such directors as Steven Spielberg, Michael Bay, Cameron Crowe and Sam Raimi.

Joining Yard Dog is like a reunion for Jones; he previously worked with Piccirillo at Original Film. “Joe is a very personable producer,” he says. “He knows the ins and outs of the business and is a great problem solver. He also has an encyclopedic knowledge of advertising that comes in very handy.”

Yard Dog is located at 6509 De Longpre Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90028. Call 310.209.8992.

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