What the hell happened? Cra$h and Burn, that's what.

If you could freeze the exact moment when a five-car pile up happened, what would you see? That's the concept behind the interactive experience at autotopsy.ca and crash-and-burn.com, created by Toronto-based interactive studio Jam3, for the gritty new Showcase series Cra$h and Burn. The site challenges visitors to play the part of forensic crash investigator Jimmy Burn, the lead character in the TV show, in order to unravel the story behind a multi-vehicle pile up. Part game, part narrative experiment, the visually stunning site offers a host of interactive video content alongside character case studies that provide hints and red herrings alike. Check the showcase movie that describes how the sites work.

Bonus! Split screen action.

Now for the end result! 

Jam3 is a collaborative interactive studio created by partners Mark McQuillan, Pablo Vio and Adrian Belina.

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