Volvo Street Configurator app turns world into car showroom.

Faced with the pandemic problem and the shift to doing everything online, plus The Brussels Motorshow was canceled, how could you show off your car to potential buyers now? Famous Grey decided to turn Brussels into a car showroom. Collecting thousands upon thousands of images of cars, rims, details, etc FamousGrey made "The Volvo Street Configurator", the first tool that recognizes an entire car range through AI. With it, you can find more information about the car through your smartphone.

“The cancellation of the Brussels Motorshow was a commercial challenge, but this tool turns out to be a great solution that also fits perfectly into the evolution we’re making towards online sales. An innovation like this meets both our commercial and global sustainability objectives, so it has great potential and has international potential,” stated Collin Vermoesen, commercial marketing & business manager of Volvo Cars Belux.    

“The Volvo Street Configurator is a great example of how creative thinking combined with technology can solve a business problem. Since we launched the application, I have become aware of every Volvo in the street. I hope it has the same effect on the consumer,” commented Peter Ampe, creative partner at Famous Grey.

Client: Volvo Car Belux
Client Team: Lolita Swanet, Collin Vermoesen, Eva Loeckx, Joshua Vandeput & Sarah Standaert

Agency: FamousGrey
Executive Creative Director: Peter Ampe
Creative Team: Eva De Jonckheere, Catheline Leroy, Yana Gestels & Zoé De Priester
Account Team: Olivia Naudts, Matthias Roose, Maxine Heylands
Strategic Planner: Floris Adriaenssens, Wies Dickens
Creative Planner: Kirsten Vanderbeke
Head of Digital: Joachim François
Project Manager: Klaartje Vanmulders
Digital Strategist: Wies Dickens
Webmaster: Stijn Swinnen
Digital Design: Sacha Lempereur
Developer: Arno Vanbiesen
Html Developer: Nele Boets
Social Creative: Yarne De Schrijver, Laureen Delbauche, Sarah De Prez

Production: FamousGrey Productions
Producers: Gaelle Haesaert & Lisa Cuypers
Photographers: Wouter Van Vaerenbergh, Mehdi El Taghdouini & Thomas Switn Sweertvaegher
Editor: Gilles Desplanque
Designers: Franco Scaramuzza & France Cleves
PR Agency: FamousRelations
PR Specialists: Déborah De Klerck & Astrid Jacobs

Media Agency: Mindshar

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