Vespa S - Squareheads (2008) Ambient (Canada)

Dan Bergeron (aka fauxreel) has been very busy this past month plastering Canada with 324 seven-foot-tall Vespa Squareheads wheatpastes to promote the new Vespa S in Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver.

Vespa's aren’t just scooters, they’re a fashion statement, an extension of the rider. This is particularly true of the Vespa S re-issue. It's square headlight and mirrors may seem like subtle differences to some but to those who know, it makes the S, and the people who ride them, a breed unto their own. It’s cool, it’s retro, and so are the people that ride them.
- Glen Hunt, Creative Director, Dentsu Canada.

Title: Vespa S Squareheads
Client: Canadian Scooter Corporation
Brand: Vespa
Client Supervisor: Jennifer Errico, Vespa Canada
Creative Agency: Dentsu Canada, Toronto
Creative Directors: Glen Hunt, Deborah Prenger
Art Director: David Glen, Deborah Prenger
Writer: Glen Hunt, Joe O’Neill
Artist and Photographer: Dan Bergeron/Fauxreel
Printer: Fauxreel Studios

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Vespa is now a global brand and its one venture is also in India.