Tinder demands removal of STD test billboard

freestdcheck.org bought a few simple billboard spaces and got more bang for their buck by adding the names of straight-to-sex-datings apps "Tinder" and "Grindr" to it. Tinder has already fired off a cease and desist letter to Free STD Check, demanding the removal of the billboard that reads "Tinder, Chlamydia, Grindr, Gonorrhea."

Tinder attorney Jonathan Reichman said in a letter that "these unprovoked and wholly unsubstantiated accusations are made to irreparably damage Tinder's reputation in an attempt to encourage others to take an HIV test by your organization." Which of course he has to say, because Tinder is trademarked by Tinder, and thus must be defended.

Free STD Check defended the billboard, as they want to increase awareness about increasing rates of sexually transmitted diseases, and they believe casual sex is a large part of this. Free STD Check has said it will not take down the billboard.

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