Thieves reveal billboard's hidden message

This interactive billboard was created for a home security company. It was up to thieves to reveal the hidden message on the billboard.

How can traditional media be transformed by experiential marketing tactics? Take a peep at this billboard. Created by the dynamic duo at TBWA/Vancouver -- copy writer Michael Milardo and art director Bart Batchelor -- this billboard is as experiential as it gets.

The agency lined a 10x20ft billboard with sought-after household items like framed paintings, rugs, pillows, and cookware on a Friday afternoon. By the end of the weekend, the board was bare, revealing the campaign's simple anti-theft message: 'People Steal. Black Tower Home Security'.

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Dabitch's picture

That reminded me a bit about the Stolen jeans billboard campaign (it was all over the cities) back in 89/90 - where real jeans would hang on the billboards and people could steal them. All the cool kids did, of course. :)

It wasn't selling security, but uhm, yeah just the 3D execution reminded me of the jeans.