Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise - Carrie stunt (2013)

You know, one of these days someone will have an actual heart attack while one of these advertising stunts is pulled off. What do we call these hidden camera stunts again? Prankvertising? What if telekinesis was real? How would you react? Well, judging by some folks who wandered into this café in New York, you're very likely to pull out your cellphone and start filming the whole thing. What if that lady with the phone had uploaded her footage to the web... would that have been like a commercial for the commercial? It's so meta it makes my head hurt.

This actress probably hurt her throat screaming in the café. Have some latte, girl. Chillax. It's nicely done, especially with the wall-flying stunt which looked impressively real, and it seems to have freaked people out proper as half the café actually fled. I hope nobody sued y'all for causing night terrors.

Now, what if a real telekinetic had come in this café, gotten pranked, and then very very angry? OOoooh, y'alls would have been in heaps of trouble then. Telekinetic-catfight! BRB gotta write a Carrie-sequel. Gonna be RICH!


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