C|net reports on Spot Runner, a place where cookie-cutter commercials can be found for cheap, for as little as $500. "Spot Runner lets advertisers select a generic commercial from its library, personalize the ads and target customers by demographics, networks and neighborhoods."
I had to try this out. The ad that spotrunner reckons should sell Adland to the masses of savvy New Yorkers is this one: film can inspire. H'okay. Or is that hokey?
The comments on c|net are funny, as one snarked back to someone concerned that "SpotRunner poses an iminent threat to the creative well-being of just about every writer and art director in the business. " Save the Ad Status Quo
I am so glad that you articulated this "iminent threat" to the advertising industry. I am sure that most Americans agree that today's TV advertising is a bastion of quality and creative inginuity. It is so very frightening that the beautiful ads we now see, like David Spade hitting his portly co-worker with various objects until he falls over and destroys their office, could be replaced by ads created by people who exist outside the industry.