Polestar - Art for Art (2021) 2:00 (Sweden)

ACNE and Polestar created "art for art", a way to get the last Polestar car by trading it for art. See, they didn't sell the car, they swapped it for real art. Because they wanted to reach out to collectors who would see the last Polestar car ever made as the collector's item that it is.

Title:    Art for Art
Brand:    Polestar

Client:    Polestar

Agency:    ACNE
Creative Director:    Daniel Wall & Johan Bello

Copywriter: David Aronson
Art Director: Chris Hagberg
Strategy Director: Erik Bergqvist
Planner: Caroline Tell
Account Director: David Klagsbrun
Account Manager: Elin Gummesson
Final art: Henrik Åkerberg
Final art: Patrik Gullbert
Agency producer: Olle Lindgren
Creative intern: Alice Abrahamsson
Creative intern: Tomas Blomberg
Art advisor: Theodor Dalenson
Additional Credits:    Polestar (Client)
Sofie Petrovski, Global Marketing Communications
Anna Falk, Marketing Sweden
Ellen Broomé, Global PR & Communications
Emma Knutsson, Global PR & Communications
Nina Bergman, Media Manager
Arvin Farati, Sales Manager Polestar 1
Andreas Delis, Commercial Legal Counsel
Pär Heyden, Brand
Nils Rylén, Head of Global Marketing Communications
Åsa Borg, Global CMO

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