Pepsi Refresh - Game within the game - (2010) :30

The game within the game shows how the players are preoccupied with generating ideas for

"A group hug for all of New York"
"How about a pizza party for all of Pittsburg."
"How about a senior prom, for seniors?"

Ok, so perhaps all the ideas aren't that great.

Chief Creative Officer: Lee Clow
Executive Creative Director: Rob Schwartz
Group Creative Director: Brett Craig
Creative Director: Michael Tabtabai
Assoc. Creative Director: Xanthe Hohalek
Art Director: Dustin Artz
Copywriter: Chris Jones
Group Account Director: Erica Hoholick
Account Director: David Dreyer
Management Supervisor: Kristen Latto
Account Supervisor: Ellie Mooney
Account Executive: Ted Bergeron
Executive Producer: Anh-Thu Le
Producer: Chris Capretto
Business Affairs:Ken Rongey
Broadcast Traffic: Saeyoung Kim

Production: Prettybird
Director: Paul Hunter
Editor: Kyle Brown

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