Overheard over the email wires

Perhaps I'm evil to laugh this hard at a snappy comeback, but top adgrunt Leslieburns of Burns auto parts (#) has had a recent funny exchange with someone who wished to align themselves with Burns' good name. Names changed to protect the guilty.

Leslie, I currently run a website that offers news and information covering the stock photo industry called [blanked]. I recently came across your site and I wanted to contact you about the possibility of sharing content on our websites. we currently publish content from a number of influential people in the Stock Photo Industy and i thought you might have some articles that would interest our readers.

Leslie replies:

While I appreciate your interest I don't believe we would be a good fit.
Your website has ads for microstock and RF companies and, as I firmly believe that these businesses are the lowest form of exploitative evil on the photo community, I could not in good conscience ever have my name associated with them.


Stubborn man hasn't quite been slapped hard enough with the clue-by-four yet - he comes back with this:

Leslie, thanks for your reply. I certainly understand your point of view when it comes to RF and microstock. We try to allow for multiple points of view and would welcome any editorials you might care to submit on the subject (if you were so inclined). Otherwise - we publish stories about traditonal RM stock licensing that may find interesting. We publish these articles with a creative commons license so please feel free to post anything of interest. All i ask i that you credit the source.
Here are a few examples. (links)

Leslie sugar coats yet another reply:

As I do not wish to be connected with your site in any way whatsoever, I have absolutely no interest in promoting it or any of its contents on mine.

I think you fail to understand how deep my loathing is for anyone or any business which promotes RF, microstock, or the oxymoronic "custom stock." It could only be surpassed by the feelings of enmity I would have for, say, people who enjoy clubbing baby seals.

I've seen subtler points on freshly siliconed porn stars.

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Indeed sugar coated was the reply, the naive dont see their throat being cut.... wonder if our bloke will gurgle another pleading revert!