Orange "The data collector" (2017) 1:56 (Germany)

Here, step into this S&M dungeon.
Because we need to show you something.
Yeah I've heard that one before, nice try.
Step into the S&M dungeon and all will be revealed. You see-- they are manipulating you.
Watch this video. Data miners are manipulating you.
But Brexit and the Presidential elections were voted on in countries that are democracies. Are you suggesting that somehow the people who voted for Brexit and Donald Trump were manipulated? 46 million people in America and 52% of the UK were manipulated? Do you really think that many people are sheep?
Keep watching the video.
I noticed you only chose the UK and America to represent. But if you are saying data mining companies like Facebook know everything about you, better than your parents then how are they so adept at manipulation? Moreover, don't you think it's a bit disingenuous to avoid showing Germany in your examples, since this is a German ad? Surely lots of people are duped by Merkel's multikulti experiments too, no?
Keep watching. We have a remedy. It's a plug-in for Chrome called < href=""> The Data Corruptor
Were you too lazy to create plug ins for Firefox and Safari as well, or?
The Data Corruptor will cause you to like other things, to confuse the data collectors.
Uh-huh. Do I have a choice in what it likes on my behalf?
And then the data mining companies will be confused.
You know people have been doing that organically for years now. Wouldn't it be better to take a stand by telling people to delete their accounts?
We can fool the algorithm.
How do your other clients feel about this? I assume you run ads for your clients on social media and those same algorithms are the reason the ads get seen That's how you make money, too. Now that I think about it, aren't your strategists mining data to create a psychological profile of the demographic you want to sell things to? Again, isn't that being hypocritical?
The Data Collector--
Don't you think you're being incredibly hypocritical as well as biased against English speaking countries? And your client, Orange by Handelsblatt, are you really trying to tell me that a journalism site is unbiased and not manipulative?
...And then see, we can corrupt all the data. Because data mining companies will get confused. And then we will win.
Uh-huh. Can you explain to me again why we're in an S&M dungeon?

Agency: Grey
Chief Creative Officer
Kim Florio, Chief Strategy Officer
Martin Steinorth, Technical Director
Client: Orange
Frank Dopheide, General Manager Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt
Sebastian Kaiser, Creative Director Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt
Michael Moersch, Head of Corporate Marketing & Sales Verlagsgruppe Handelsblatt
Andreas Dörnfelder, Chief Editor Orange by Handelsblatt

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