Orange Babies "Borrowed Time" (2015) 1:30 (South Africa)

Here's a beautiful but heartbreaking spot featuring a mother trying to let her baby see and experience as much as possible before it is too late. The spot ends with the message there's no reason for a baby to be born with HIV ever again. This PSA is for Orange Babies, a Dutch NGO that is dedicated to helping pregnant women with HIV and their babies. According to their site, with proper education, support and treatment, mother-to-child transmission rate of HIV is less than 1.7%, With those kinds of odds, awareness is key. Very nice job, Quirk Johannesburg and Fresh Eye Films.

Client: Orange Babies
Agency: Quirk Johannesburg
Production House: Fresh Eye Films
Director: Cindy Lee
Executive Creative Director: Fran Luckin
Creative Director: Steph van Niekerk
Copywriter: Steph van Niekerk
DOP: Jamie D Ramsay
Editor: Graeme Smith
Post Production: Orchestra Blue/Pudding
Sound Design: Louis Enslin
Producer: Brian Critchfield
Music: ‘Light’ by Sleeping at Last

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