No new holiday ads for Absolut this year

Instead of creating new ads, Absolut is running old holiday ads from the last 25 years. At their site, you can select your favorite ad, and see how it stacks up against the others. In tandem with the rating you can send holiday cards with the ad on it and be entered for a chance to win a trip to Sweden.

It's hard to say whether or not this is a way for Absolut not to have to do any ads this year (read: lazy or tight budget strings) or if they are just leveraging the popularity of their advertising.

Here's a screenshot:

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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kurtberengeiger's picture

Maybe I just haven

malkie66's picture

I thought I was the only idiot here - I can't find it either. And for all the bells and whistles it's a pretty ordinary site.

caffeinegoddess's picture

The link for it was right on their front page (once you get past the "are you of age" bit), it was right on top. I think it's either flash or shockwave so if that's not on you might miss it.

Dabitch's picture

I liked the Absolut ads back when they gave away free stuff in Interview (and such mags) back in the early nineties. I made a tradition of wearing it that new years. A silk scarf new years 91 -> 92 and these Absolut pantyhose new years eve 92 -> 93. In 94 I think they just had a plastic bottle filled with gel-glitter. Boring (and unwearable).