Nick Ball - 19 Crimes - the Banished - Furlined

Nick Ball's latest film for 19 Crimes was released this week, produced by Furlined for 19 Crimes/Treasury Wine Estates out of Kayser&Co.

"The men featured on our wine labels are not those of fiction. They were flesh and blood. Criminals, artists and scholars. In history, they share a bond – receiving “punishment by transportation” for violation of one of 19 crimes and becoming the first settlers of a new nation."

Chief Creative Officer: Joe Kayser
Creative Director / Copywriter: Eric Boyd
Art Director: Joe Kayser
Producer: Paul Golubovich
Director: Nick Ball
Production Company: Furlined
President: Diane McArter
Executive Producer: Robert Herman
Director of Photography: Jan Velicky
Line Producer: Robert Bray
Production Designer: Radek Hanak
Music: Stimmüng
Executive Producer: Ceinwyn Clark
Composer: David Winer
Editorial: Little Moving Pictures
Editor: Nathan Petty
Producer: Jeremy Summer
Composite & Title Artist: Noe Chavez
Mix: Joaby Deal Color / One Union Recording Studios
MPC: Ricky Gausis

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