So, we're in the new york times. Kinda. Sixteen of our old super bowl commercials are anyway - see The Super Ad bowl where the NYT has done a little graphing to see what type of ad was most common each year, while showing at least one ad from every year since 1984. Sixteen of the 23 years ads were supplied by us from the 35 year strong Super Bowl ad collection a.k.a the Claymore project, and if you click more inside you can go straight to the Quicktime versions here if you prefer that to their nifty flash graphic serving. Stuart Elliot's article Colts and Bears and Kevin Federline goes with the graph.
Naturally we have all the ads (and more, hehe) that the NYT used in their fun graph - here are the ones they picked as standout ads from each year. Two minor mistakes in the grey lady - the year 2000 Etrade ad does not contain a monkey but a chimp, which is an ape. The Tabasco spot is from 1997, not 1998. I nitpick, I know.
Burger King - Herb the Nerd - 1986
Nissan Turbo Z - Dream - Outracing a jet.
1995 - Budweiser Frogs croak their way into our hearts.
1996 - Budweiser frogs out in the cold.
1997 - Tabasco Mosquito. (NYT actually has it under the wrong year.)
1999 - Monster "when I grow up"
1999 - Bud Light - Paper or plastic?
2000 - Etrade dancing chimp / Wasted 2 million
2000 - - If you leave me now
2000 - Budweiser "Wassup" guy with girlfriend.
2002 - Monster - Mayor Rudy Giuliani
2004 - Frito-lay grandparents fight
2005 - Godaddy wardrobe malfunction
2005 - Fedex ten things - Burt Reynolds dances with bears