More "pregverts", now for superbowl ads

Jennifer Gordon is renting out her eight-month pregnant belly as adspace for the chance to get some superbowl tickets reports the Chicago Times. Just like Zoe Ellis who in 2003 used her eight months belly to sell toys, a.k.a "pregvertising".

Gordon, 35, selected the Chicago-based business from the 200-plus e-mail inquiries she received after posting her unique ad space proposal on the Internet last week.

Not that unique then.

Image shows why "eight months" seems to be the only time pregvertising is done, to the left we see Ms Gordon's bump, and to the right yours truly nine days over due date and ready to kill God if it meant labour would start. My ink is real though.

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I wonder if Jennifer Gordon's next big "unique" idea will be to get her favourite member of the Chicago Bears to sign her breast.