Don't worry of you don't understand Dutch, I do and will translate: Man calls for pizza, they all reply that the pizza will be there in 30 minutes. This gives the man enough time to turn the regular flat into a temporary gym, complete with a bunch of flexible, sweaty, pretty girls wrapped across pilates balls and stretching on various machines. Tam tam tam, the pizza delivery men walk in and can not help but ogle and hope they just walked into a real life porn-movie setup. Their beady troll eyes almost popping out of their skulls, Roger Rabbit style.
What was the point of all that? (and did we really need to watch the guy vacuuming when they set up the gym room? Seriously? I want those seconds of my life back.)
The point is, that €9,95 a month for a gym membership is 'sporting for the price of a pizza', and pretty semi-dressed girls make for a lot of youtube views and my faith in consumers brainpower has sunk lower than Titanic once again. This is probably the gym where the clientels "little head" does most of the thinking. Newsflash: Viral agencies still douchey.