Mercedes Benz E-class - Dreams - (2009) :90 (Germany)

Twin girls in tiny outfits, someone dressed in latex, a green monster and sheep are pushed out of the car. Don't let the dreams get to you when driving. Quite a funny surreal way to make their point.

Daimler AG/Mercedes-Benz
Agency: Jung von Matt/Alster, Hamburg
Production Company: Bigfish Filmproduction Berlin
Director :The Vikings

Oliver Thiede Music + Sound Production
Ghost VFX, Denmark Post production
Hastings Music GmbH Music + Sound Production
Deneke von Weltzien, Armin Jochum Executive Creative Director
Thimoteus Wagner, Christian Fritsche Creative Director
Jonas Keller Art Director
Daniel Pieracci Copywriter
Dennis Wagner Junior Art Director
Hermann Krug, Vanessa Fischbeck Agency Producer

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