McDonald's France - New-York Street Food / Fireman (2016) :30 (France)

Mcdonald's France offers menu's inspired by New York’s Street Food and available in all restaurants from April the 19th until May the 30th. To advertise the New York style burgers, the 'original sweet mustard' and the 'grilled cheese & bacon', TBWA\PARIS directed some spots with an exaggerated version of New York. Like this fireman, the best fireman of the city, who can save louis vuitton shoes and kittens with ease.

Advertiser : McDonald's France
Advertiser managers : Xavier Royaux, Camille Lopéo, Pierre Loiseau
Agency managers : Luc Bourgery, Matthéo Pressmar, Gael d’Oliveira
Executive Creative Directors : Benjamin Marchal et Faustin Claverie
Copywriter : Stéphane Kaczorowski
Artistic Director : Sébastien Skrzypczak
CEO \Else : Maxime Boiron
TV Producer : Elisabeth Boitte
Production : Moonwalk Films
Director : Ben Gregor
Sound : \Else

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