The Mayhew Animal Home - Unloved - (2014) :90 (UK)

Lets face it. People are assholes. Your job often sucks. And there are abusive tossers everywhere. Written and directed by BBH London Creative Director Dominic Goldman, this 90 second film shows three people with the worst jobs in the world. A bouncer, a football referee... Someone collecting signatures and donations on the street. I used to that, and oy, is that a terrible job as everyone shuns you... In short, these people are hated.

That is, until they come home.

"I simply can't bear to watch ads about abused or starving animals. It's just too upsetting. I wanted to write an ad that spoke the truth about what dogs give us - how they make us feel. Why we love them so much." explains Dominic Goldman about his advertising directorial debut.

"I shared the script with some producer friends at Moxie who suggested I should try and direct it myself. It was incredibly daunting, but I had such a great team around me and everyone was so patient and supportive.
If just one dog is adopted and has an incredible 15 year life with a family, who will benefit from everything they bring, it will all be worth it."

Client : Mayhew Animal Home
Agency : Direct
Production : Moxie Pictures
Director: Dominic Goldman
Copywriter : Dominic Goldman
Producer : Jess Ensor
Producer : Chris Watling
Executive Producer : Dawn Laren
DoP: Richard Mott

Post Production: The Mill
Editor/Editing House: Andy McGraw & Tim Hardy / Stitch
Sound: Grand Central Studios

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