Lürzer’s Archive Berlin School Scholarship 2011

No career track without professional training

Lürzer’s Archive Berlin School Scholarship 2011

Creative Leadership. That is the focus of the training and tuition programs run by the Berlin School, an initiative launched a few years back on the back of an idea originally put forward by the Art Directors Club Germany. In the formulation of the idea, ADC president Michael Conrad, formerly President and now Vice Chairman of Leo Burnett International, emphasizes that creativity is a key quality required of future business leaders, it being an asset that is decisive in determining whether a company succeeds or fails.
Since 2006, this idea has been attracting the most outstanding creative professionals and personalities from around the world by offering graduates the skills they need to assert themselves in challenging times such as these. People such as Luiz Sanches and Sergio Mugnaini, two top creatives from Ammap/BBDO, who completed the Berlin School Executive Program and later went on, together with Marcello Serpa, to scoop the “Agency of the Year“ award at the Cannes Lions 2010.

In the light of this, it comes as no surprise to hear that places on the Berlin School program are much coveted. Lürzer’s Archive is therefore offering a scholarship to the best applicant for the Executive MBA, the total value of the award being €30,000. The task is that of devising a viral campaign for Lürzer’s Archive.

Karen Cesar, winner of the Scholarship 2010: “I thank Lüzer's Archive for making it happen. Without you, I wouldn't be able to make it. Without your support, I would not be able to take my career to the next level. The magazine has influenced me all my professional life, ever since I was a student. I have used it as reference for much of my creative work. Many magazines - even from school times - are still on my shelf.“

The deadline for entries is July 19, 2011. Further information and eligibility criteria are available at www.berlin-school.com. Commencing on September 4, 2011, the Berlin School program will take students not only to Berlin but also to New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, and Shanghai.

Lürzer’s Archive magazine is delighted to support up-and-coming creative talents in this way. Each year, it also presents the Student of the Year Award, the brainchild of recently deceased Walter Lürzer, formerly professor at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.

Info on the Berlin School and how to apply for the Lürzer’s Archive Scholarship is available at:
Tel. +49 (0)30 884 980 80
email: info@berlin-school.com

Those lucky people among you who will be at the Festival in Cannes can find out more about the Berlin School and its Creative Leadership program by attending the Open House on Thursday from 5:00pm to 6:30pm at Level 1 of the Palais des Festivals. Speakers will include Keith Reinhard (DDB) and Gideon Amichay (Y&R).

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