Louis Vuitton's :90 TV Commercial To Air Later This Month

From - Everything's Better With Brentter : Louis Vuitton - A Journey

New :90 second Louis Vuitton ad done by Ogilvy Paris featuring award winning director Bruno Aveilla with score composed by famous movie composer Gustavo Santaolalla.They plan on airing the piece in 13 different languages in select cinemas, cable and satellite channels throughout 2008. Keep in mind this is the first TV commercial ever produced for luxury brand Louis Vuitton.

The ad is in the commercial archive here:
Louis Vuitton - Journey - (2008) :90 (France)

When asked about it's length:

"The choice of the exceptional 90-second format enables Louis Vuitton to take the time to convey the true and enriching essence of travel as a process of both discovery and self-discovery,” said Antoine Arnault, head of communications at Louis Vuitton. “Time is the ultimate luxury."


To view the spot or read more information regarding the campaign, visit Everything's Better WIth Brentter.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

I posted about the strategy change that lead to this film and with the accompaning youtube film here: Louis Vuitton does a TV commercial - about "journeys" switching tactic from glitzy fashion to travel heritage on Sat, 02/02/2008, in case you didn't see it. I know, the search sucks sucks but it does appear in the search.

It makes sense to me to play up on their heritage and tradition of travel, and play down on the fashion - those LV new designs were fun for a while but if they had continued on that path I fear they would o the way of Pierre Cardin in the late eighties. Once classic, then way trendy and suddenly the brand name was on phones you could buy on TV-shopping channels that had nothing to do with the brand. LV have too much too loose if they keep flirting with the fashionista crowd. (Ferrari is a brand getting watered down in a similar way these days)

Film is still only youtube, sadly.

(ps that's a really cute avatar you have.)

areia's picture

I couldn't agree with you more. Wise move from Vitton.

brentter's picture

Well, you caught me (so I might as well publicly admit it), I didn't search Adland before posting. I did a quick search on google + a few other ad blogs, couldn't find any mention of it so assumed I was the first.
Boy is my face red... i guess my grandmother was right all those years ago, when you assume things you only make an ass out of you and me (well in this case just me).
So my apologies.
Check your inbox though, I think I can make amends for reposting one of your articles.


P.S. And yes I still am bitter they didn't use Scarlett Johansson in the spot... :)

Dabitch's picture

Ah, replied to. sounds good.

Dabitch's picture

For people still keeping track, Resumé says the film will air beginning this Friday on TV and in Cinemas (in Sweden? Not sure, their article doesn't make this clear).