DDB, Paris Debuts First Ad Promoting First Issue of The French Version of GQ

GQ Magazine - The Ideal Man (doesn't exist) - (2008) 1:50 (France)

originally from https://www.brentter.com/gq-france-the-ideal-man-commercial/
[link contains more content, including photo gallery & behind the scenes film clip]

DDB, Paris just released their first commercial for the soon to be published French version of popular Men's magazine GQ. In it they give us a checklist for what being the “ideal man” would entail. Pretty funny. From the exaggerated running form in “Graceful” to my personal favorite transition being “Sensual” to “Likes Animals” to “A bit like De Niro.” The ad ends letting us all know that sorry ladies, “The perfect man doesn’t exist…His magazine, Maybe. GQ”
All in all this is probably the best spot for a men’s magazine i’ve seen to date. It appeals to both crowds in its clever usage of humor and wit. I will say this though, the spot doesn’t have any of the feel of the actual magazine (yes I’ll admit I subscribe to GQ), but then again, who cares, it’s fun to watch.

The spot was created by DDB, Paris and directed by Les Minis Vegas (MiniVegas).
Alexandre Hervé and Sylvain Thirache were the CDs with both Sophie Megrous and Julie Mathiot producing this piece (Fabien Teichner was the copywriter). La Pac, Paris was the production company used for this spot.

More, including photo gallery of the shoot itself as well as a "montage" of the entire process can be found on:
GQ France - The Ideal Man (now with behind the scenes footage)

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You know what I notice most at your site is the glaring omission of a link back to Adland. Considering that every post you've made here so far links to you, why not link back? All you have linked is : Ad of Da Month ,Addicted To 1’s and 0’s ,AdFreak ,Adrants ,Ads of The World ,AdScam ,American Copywriter ,Brand New ,Fallon Planning Blog ,I Have an Idea ,Invisible Red ,Make The Logo Bigger ,Photo Gallery ,Plannerliness ,The Hidden Persuader, Three Minds @ Organic

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That's a bit rude.